Dr. Sever Chilelli is the sole clinician and operator of JBS Psychiatry, PLLC located in the Fort Mitchell, KY area.

Patients can call for a brief, complimentary phone conversation with Dr. Sever Chilelli to inquire if her services will be beneficial. A request for a phone call can be completed through her confidential electronic medical record (EMR) by clicking this link: https://app.luminello.com/justineseverdo or by calling her office. 

Often, new patients can be seen within 1 month and new patients are currently being accepted.

In order to preserve ultimate privacy/confidentiality and quality of treatment, no medical insurance is accepted. Patients have the option to call their insurance company and inquire if "Out of Network," providers are covered. Dr. Sever Chilelli would be considered an out of network provider and she can assist patients with submitting a claim for reimbursement after the visit. 

JBS Psychiatry is set up under the recovery model of mental health, where patient and doctor are on a treatment team. Final decisions for treatment are made by the patients themselves based on the recommendations given by Dr. Sever Chilelli.

Open, honest discussion by all parties involved as well as follow through with recommendations are imperative for a successful treatment. Most often, psychiatric cases have multiple contributors for the current presentation of symptoms. Genetic, biological, previous environmental influences, as well as current environmental influences all impact one’s mental health and all of these areas should be adequately addressed in order to see progress.

Your doctor’s role is to provide you with an assessment, educate you about your symptoms, discuss risks/benefits/alternatives, and provide you with recommendations for treatment that can be successful. Therefore, often times Dr. Sever Chilelli will recommend that you seek psychotherapy with a licensed therapist in order to support your mental health as well as attend regular visits with your primary care provider in order to support your physical health.

Dr. Sever Chilelli would be happy to coordinate your care with other providers in order to fulfill your treatment needs.

In coordination with a recovery model for mental health, Dr. Sever Chilelli does not fill out disability paperwork or provide disability evaluations, as this does not align with these principles.